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Googol Paradox Training for Teachers – Teacher Training in Guangdong Technical Colleges in 2018
2018-11-06 admin

On November 1st, the fourth day training course of "Mechatronics Teachers Training of Guangdong Technical School 2018" (Phase II), sponsored by the Technical Education Administration Department of Guangdong Human Resources and Social Security Department, was held in XBOTPARK and Donggan Googoltech.

As one of the training bases for teachers in Donggan Technical Colleges, Donggan Technical College conducts multi-level, multi-directional and diversified training for teaching and management personnel in Guangdong Technical Colleges. The Googol Team and Donggan Technical Teachers College have made due contributions to the training of a group of high-quality professional teachers adapted to the development of modern technical education, and to the overall improvement of teachers' professional quality and teaching level.

On the morning of Nov. 1st, Mr. LU YANG (Marketing Director) and SHENG CHIEN (Marketing Department) introduced to the trainees the remarkable achievements made in Googol’s system, international cooperation and school-enterprise cooperation. At the same time, it also introduced the concept of entrepreneurship incubation, excellent incubation cases, new talent training mode and the excellence of participating in training from various schools in the province. The show teachers communicated.

The afternoon course is arranged on the production line of the Googol Paradox in XBOTPARK, with theoretical teaching as the main part and on-site operation as the auxiliary understanding. Dr. YANG CHIANG-CHAO (Paradox RD Director) lectures on motion control theory. Subsequently, senior technicians with rich engineering experience, such as CHEN HSIN-WEI (Marketing Department), YEN SHENG-HAO, LIN YANG-KANG, HSIEH AI-MIN and other technical supporter executed the teacher-assisted course.

Compared with the former, the adjusted teaching content of Google Paradox is more abundant and practical. It pays more attention to the combination of theory and practice. Through on-the-spot teaching, case analysis, practical communication and other training forms, teachers are more innovative and deeper in the fields of mechatronics, motion control, intelligent manufacturing and new talent training. Enter a more comprehensive understanding.

Teacher training is an important part of the connotation construction of colleges and universities, the motive force for the sustainable development of schools, and the effective measures to promote the rapid growth of teachers' profession. It is incumbent upon the educators to strengthen the construction of the teaching staff, promote the reform, innovation and professional development of colleges and universities, organize regular training activities for teachers, improve their professional teaching ability and level, serve the development strategy of high-skilled talents in enterprises and train more excellent high-skilled talents. 


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